DJ - Disc Jockey and Music Collector Database Software
Great software to organize your music collection or music library!
For DJ's, Music Collectors, Radio Stations, Entertainers, Musicians, Churches, Record Stores
Great Search Functions-Find songs in just seconds. Great for organizing almost any
inventory of products and information where you need fast lookup and easy data entry

Music Database 2000 Color GIF Logo

PALM PILOT and similar units

We are testing the ability to export our database to palm pilot

If you need software to open databases check your manual or search the web
or these locations have software you can install on your PDA

The "DB" open source database


After installing the software to open databases

Download this pdb database sample and let us know if this works by emailing us back
[email protected] or calling toll free 1-866-688-9600 from the USA

Here is a sample database of mdb2000

(C) 2001 ACCSI
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